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Last Night English Movie

Release Date: 06 May 2011
Genre: Drama
Language: English
Director: Massy Tadjedin
Producer: Christophe Riandee, Massy Tadjedin, Nick Wechsler
Music Director: Clint Mansell
Keira Knightley
Sam Worthington
Eva Mendes

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Last Night: Movie Review:

Joanna and Michael (Keira Knightley and Sam Worthington) have been married for three years, and have been together for seven — and we all know what happens to a relationship after seven years. The itch, previously dormant, surfaces. The couple is happy together in New York — she’s English, he’s Australian, and both have adapted well with their homey but chic apartment and middle-class lifestyle — but Joanna sees something she doesn’t like when accompanying her husband to a business function. Whilst she’s mingling with the assorted suited, open-necked shirt brigade, her husband is out on the balcony spending altogether too much time with Laura (Eva Mendes who, in all honesty, looks the man-eater type at the best of times. Here, her mouth suggests Venus Fly Trap, at best).

Joanna’s mood is not helped by the revelation that Michael has to leave town tomorrow for a business trip to Philadelphia with, amongst others, Laura. While moping around, wondering whether she’s over-reacted, she bumps into old flame Alex (Guillaume Canet), all Gallic charm with soft, gentle eyes, who is only in town for one day. As Michael’s away, she reasons, what’s the harm in spending some time with an old friend? Plenty, is the answer, and she knows it full well but agrees anyway.

At this point Last Night basically splits into two; Michael’s night with Laura, and Joanna’s with Alex. Parallels between the nocturnal trysts are compared throughout, as the movie cuts between Philadelphian hotels and New York chic. Laura is quite open about her intentions — in truth, we could have guessed them the moment we first clapped eyes on her — and Alex, too, makes his feelings known, only in his case it’s love, not lust, on his mind. Both dates will go on through the night and into the next morning.
Last Night is an drama romance film. The film is written and directed by Massy Tadjedin, The story follows a married couple Joanna Reed (Knightley) and Michael Reed (Worthington), apart for a night while the husband takes a business trip with a colleague (Mendes) to whom he's attracted. While he's resisting his temptation, his wife encounters her past love (Canet).


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